
2023年8月10日—OnesuchapplicationthatcanturnyourvideoorscreenrecordingintoGIFisSmartGIFMaker.,2024年1月23日—Ifyouonlywanttoscreen-recordaGIFonaMac,thenLICEcapisaviableoption.Theprogramallowsyoutocaptureyourdesktopactivity ...,2023年4月26日—Screenrecordasusual.TrimyourvideoandthenuseShortcutstocreateaGIFfromaVID.Thereisanactionforthat.,GIPHYCAPTUREisthebestwaytocreateGIFsonyourMac.Simple,powerfu...

10 Best GIF Recorders for Mac

2023年8月10日 — One such application that can turn your video or screen recording into GIF is Smart GIF Maker.

12 Best GIF Recorders for Mac in 2024

2024年1月23日 — If you only want to screen-record a GIF on a Mac, then LICEcap is a viable option. The program allows you to capture your desktop activity ...

App for quickly screen recording as GIF?

2023年4月26日 — Screen record as usual. Trim your video and then use Shortcuts to create a GIF from a VID. There is an action for that.

GIPHY Capture

GIPHY CAPTURE is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. Simple, powerful, free, and easy enough for pretty much everyone and even a few small mammals.

GIPHY Capture. The GIF Maker 4+ - Mac App Store

GIPHY Capture is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. This free app is simple, powerful, and easy enough for pretty much anyone. CAPTURE INSTANTLY.

GIPHY Capture. The GIF Maker on the Mac App Store

GIPHY Capture is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. This free app is simple, powerful, and easy enough for pretty much anyone. CAPTURE INSTANTLY.

Is there a Mac screen capture tool that will export to ...

2012年3月26日 — Use Cmd-shift-4-spacebar to capture a screenshot of the window for each frame. Convert the images to gif (or set your screenshot preferences to ...

Record GIF on Mac & Windows PC

Free GIF Recorder Screen. Jumpshare is the best tool to create GIFs in an instant on Mac & Windows. You do not need any expensive software to record simple GIFs ...

Record GIF on Mac with 5 Recorders

You will need to record the Mac screen with QuickTime and turn it into a GIF with a converter. Just run QuickTime recorder by clicking command + shift + 5.


Free screen recorder tool, which lets you record, edit and save as a gif, video or other formats.

Gif123 小巧快速的 GIF 螢幕錄製工具

Gif123 小巧快速的 GIF 螢幕錄製工具

有在寫教學文章的朋友,多少會用到GIF 錄製螢幕的需求吧?某些情境下GIF 有時比圖片、影片更加完美,當談到GIF 螢幕錄影時,你心目中第一名的工具是什麼?如果你還沒有口袋名單的話,今天小編要推薦一個GIF 螢幕...

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔


GifRun 免安裝免下載,YouTube 影片轉 GIF 工具

GifRun 免安裝免下載,YouTube 影片轉 GIF 工具


【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具

【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具
